
A key factor to help reduce the inflation rate of our $Kibble token we be the introduction of “The $Kibble Halving”. The $Kibble halving is when the staking rewards (de $Kibbles received for staking a SHIBU NFT) are cut in half. This will create a similar effect as the Bitcoin halving by making $Kibble scarcer, and ultimately, more valuable. There will be a total of two (2) $Kibble halving. The 1stwill be on June 30th, 2023 (marks 1 year that the project exists) and the second will be on June 30th, 2024. The amount of $Kibbles issued after the 1st halving will be the following:

  • The Genesis Collection staking rewards will go from 5x $Kibbles to 2½x $Kibbles per day

  • The Alpha + Phoenix Collections will receive 2x $Kibbles each day for staking

  • The SHIBU Charity Drop holders will receive from January 31st - June 30th, 2023 (a period of 6 months) an airdrop of 50 x $Kibbles on the 1st Saturday of each month (during our Twitter Space). For the remaining 6 months after the halving the Airdrop amount will be reduced to 25x $kibbles each month After the 2nd halving the staking rewards are cut in half once more for the final time. The mission we are trying to achieve is for the holders to ultimately receive a token that not only rises in value over time, but also have the fundamentals to withstand the basic economic factors like inflation.

Last updated